Simple and secure boarding house management

Boarder activity tracking

BoardWell is a dynamic management application with all the capabilities needed to ensure the smooth operation of a boarding house

Now with added  Screening and Assessment Based on the health and safety protocols as published by the Minister of Health:

  • It facilitates compliance with all requirements and regulations, keeping everyone safer without excessive paperwork.
  • Includes a Back to school Risk Assessment with storing of pre-existing conditions on boarder profiles.
  • Ongoing screening for symptoms and recording of temperatures at scheduled times
  • Individual schools and boarding house are able to customise or add questions if required
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One App for all your boarding house management needs

BoardWell aims to help guardians, staff, parents and boarders manage their boarding school activities effectively. The application is downloaded by all parties involved and is managed from the administrator’s side.

BoardWell allows the administrator to create a profile for each boarder from which to manage the daily activities of boarders directly from the app

  •  Daily check-in and check-out features  
  •  Boarding activity management platforms  
  •  Quick and easy attendance registers  
  •  Meal planning according to boarders who are present  
  •  Boarder transport management  
  •  Communication platforms to send messages to boarders and parents  

For more information, demonstrations or a free trial period

BoardWell is a dynamic management application with all the capabilities needed to ensure the smooth operation of a boarding house.

Now with added COVID-19 screening and assessment.

Leave Management

Create and manage leave types, conditions and processes


BoardWell is accessible on all smart phones, tablets and browsers (iOS and Android)

Integrated Communication

Send communication to boarders and staff in bulk/direct

Activity Tracking

Track individual and group activities to optimise planning

Internal Organisation

Use student attendance to plan internal activities and meals

Attendance Record

Automate daily check-in, check-out and take roll-calls with ease